1) Snatch: 1×2 @ 60%, 1×2 @ 70%, 1×1 @ 80%, 1×1 @ 85%, 4×1 @ 90%

Warm-up as deemed fit. Rest no more than 90 seconds between your lifts. All should be full Squat unless injury or mobility limit you.

2) Clean and Jerk: 1×2 @ 60%, 1×2 @ 70%, 1×1 @ 80%, 1×1 @ 85%, 4×1 @ 90%

Warm-up as deemed fit. Rest no more than 90 seconds between your lifts. All should be full Squat and Split Jerk unless injury or mobility limit you.

3) 21-15-9 – AQAP:

Squat Snatch 95/65

Box Jump 30/24

Extra Work:

4) Handstand Push-ups: 10 minutes EMOTM

If you can maintain more than 7 reps work to some sort of a defecit.

5) Barbell Roll Outs: 3 x 10

Rest 90 seconds between sets.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, etc for all work completed.

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