1) Back Squat: 7 Reps Every 2:00 x 5 sets

Warm-up as needed. Start around 60-70% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit.

2) Dumbbell Split Squats: 6 Reps Every 2:00 x 5 sets

Start light, build loading as deemed fit. Perform all reps on 1 side before switching to the other. Start on your non-dominant side first.

3) 3 rounds AQAP:

7 Squat Cleans 135/95

15 Bar Facing Burpees

Extra Work:

4) Single Leg Good Morning: 3 sets of 12/side

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Focus on positioning over load. Perform all reps on 1 leg before switching to the other.

5) 10 sets of:

400m Run @ Mile Pace

1000m C2 Bike @ Easy

C2 bike pace should be easy enough so that your paces don’t decline, but no easier than they need to be. Goal should be consistent pace across the board on the run.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE