*Raffle Prize Winners HERE

**Mike Molloy Nutrition Seminar Here

***All showers are good to go (although construction isn’t completely finished). Please note we are making an effort to keep our bathrooms spaces clean, if you leave your soap, shampoos, towels behind they will be disposed of.


1a) Hi-Hang Muscle Snatch + Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat: Every 1:00 x 7 sets

Start light, build as heavy as deemed fit. Focus on quality of movement over loading.

1b) Hi-Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat: Every 1:00 x 7 sets

Continue to build loading from Part A.

1c) Hi-Hang Snatch x 2: Every 1:00 x 7 sets

Continue building your loading from Part B. No dropping the bar between reps. Both reps full Squat.

2) 5 rounds AQAP:

21 Wall Balls 20/14

15 Deadlifts 135/95

9 Pull-ups

Extra Work:

3) Single Arm Dumbbell Row: 4 sets of 10/side

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. Keep it strict.

4) Toes-to-bar: 10 minutes Practice

Work on any facet of developing Toes-to-bar.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE
