*Games Fundraiser Here

**Please note there will be construction (wall removal/rebuilding) starting 6/6/17, so things will be a little messy and tight in the bathroom areas. Please be patient with us, things are coming and will be done before we know it. 


1a) 0:00-21:00 – Every 3:00 x 7 sets:

50-75 Double-unders +

5 Push Press

If you don’t have Double-unders perform 75 Single-unders + 15 Tuck Jumps. Push Press start around 60% and build as heavy as deemed fit.

1b) 21:00-30:00 – 9 minute EMOTM:

5-10 Strict Pull-ups

Pick a rep range you can maintain for all 9 sets, use assistance as needed.

1c) 30:00 – 40:00 – 10 minute AMRAP:

15 Abmat Sit-ups

12 Deadlifts 135/95

9 Push-ups

Extra Work:

2) Band Pull Aparts: 100 not for time

Switch between over and underhand every 10 reps.

3) Seated Paralette Leg Pass Overs: 4 sets of 10/side

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Seated on the floor, with the paralette sitting in about line with your ankle/calf, pick you feet up and over the paralette and touch the floor on the other side, then back to the other side. Legs should stay straight, knees locked, toes pointed.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE
