1) Work Your Weakness: 15 minutes EMOTM

Pick a movement that you struggle with and is a weakness for you. This movement needs to be strength baring. It is important to remember though that a strength baring movement doesn’t need to be a load baring movement. Examples for this would be a Pull-up, Muscle-up, or Handstand Push-up, they are all strength baring movements for many individuals but don’t add any additional load to the body. Other strength movements that would be acceptable are movements like a Deadlift, Clean, Back Squat, Bench Press, Weighted Pull-up, etc. For this we’d like you guys to stay away form movements like Kettlebell Swings, Wall Balls, etc. Once you have your movement you must pick a rep range, something between 1 and 5, and something that you can sustain for all 15 minutes. If you are working with a movement that is load baring, you need to pick a load that you can sustain at the reps you’ve chosen for the entire 15 minutes. A good way to think about this is minutes 1-5 should be moderately difficult, minutes 6-10 are difficult, and minutes 11-15 you are struggling to complete. Once you have your setup perform your given movement, at the allotted reps and load (if applicable), Every-minute-on-the-minute for 15 minutes.

2) 15 minute AMRAP:

15 Ball Slams 40/30

15 Box Jumps 24/20

15 Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead 35/25


One we’ve posted before but a good one if you’ve never watched it

For results post movement, weight if applicable and reps used for EMOTM, along with Rounds plus Reps for Met-con.

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