1) Work Your Weakness: 15 minutes

In this Work Your Weakness you will perform TWO movements, 1 movement on the beginning of the minute, the 2nd movement on the :30 of the minute. You are only allowed to pick 1 Movement. Movement #1 will be 5 Burpees. Movement #2 which you can pick has to be some sort of Heavy Barbell Movement. It can be anything you’d like but has to involve a Barbell…don’t be afraid to think outside the box. We are looking to get your heart rate elevated with the Burpees, and then have you hit something that you struggle with and that is heavy. Reps should be between 1 and 3.

2) 3 rounds for Max Reps:

45 seconds Row for Calories

30 seconds Rest

45 seconds Hand Release Push-ups

30 seconds Rest

45 seconds Dumbbell Hang Power Clean 50/35

30 seconds Rest

For Results post what movement you used for Work Your Weakness and the weight along with total reps accumulated in the Met-con plus any scaling used.

Post Results/Thoughts to Comments

Part 2