1) 15 minutes EMOTM: 0:00, 3-5 Perfect Presses, 0:30, Movement of Choice 1-5 reps

For the the first movement you need to pick a bodyweight pressing movement. This needs to be a movement you can do unassisted. For many this will just be Push-ups, but could also be Dips or Handstand Push-ups. The goal for most athletes for this is to do Push-ups, and do real full range of motion Push-ups, whether from the Knees or Plank. In the bottom of the Push-up the only thing we should see touch the ground aside from the Hands and Feet are the Chest, nothing else. The 2nd movement can be anything you like, and should be something that you struggle with or that you are weak at.

2) 12 minute AMRAP:

12 Deadlifts 155/105

12 Wall Balls 20/14

12 Abmat Sit-ups

For results post movement and reps used for EMOTM, and Rounds and Reps completed in Met-con along with any scaling used.

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