1) Work Your Weakness: 15 minute EMOTM

For this pick a strength baring movement that you struggle with. It’s important to remember strength baring doesn’t mean it needs to be load baring. Pick a rep range between 1 and 5 to match your movement. If it is a load baring movement pick an appropriate load for the reps. You should be pick a rep range, and weight if applicable, that you can sustain for all 15 minutes. Think about the minutes 1-5 being moderately hard, minutes 6-10 being difficult, and minutes 11-15 are a struggle to complete.

2) 5 rounds AQAP:

200m Run

20 Box Jumps 24/20

20 Ball Slams 40/30

For results post what movement, reps, and weight if applicable you did for “Work Your Weakness,” along with time to complete Met-con and any scaling used.

Post Results/Thoughts to Comments


Our man Del showing people how the Yoke is done