1) Snatch: 2 x 1 @ 60%, 2 x 1 @ 70%, 2 x 1 @ 80%, 2 x 1 @ 85%, 2 x 1 @ 90%

Warm-up as needed. Rest 60-90 seconds between lifts. These are full squat unless mobility doesn’t allow you to go all the way down.

2) AQAP:

30 Thrusters 95/65

200m Run

8 Bar Muscle-ups

200m Run

8 Bar Muscle-ups

200m Run

8 Bar Muscle-ups

30 Thrusters 95/65

Substitute for Bar Muscle-ups is 2x the amount in Push-ups

Extra Work:

3) Sled Drag: 400m

Weight should be medium. Looking for continuous movement. Should be done heel-to-toe style, thing power walking.

4) 1 Legged Hip Thrusts: 3 x 10/side

Perform all 10 reps on 1 leg before switching to the other leg.

For results post weights of all sets of Snatches and time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post weight, thoughts, etc.

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