1) Establish a 5RM Strict Press: 10 minutes

You will have 10 minutes to establish a 5RM Strict Press. You may do as many or as few sets as you’d like there is no prescribed amount, just establish a 5RM Strict Press.

Immediately Into

2) Press Complex: EMOTM for 10 minutes @ 5RM Strict Press

For 10 minutes on the minute perform 1 Strict Press, 2 Push Press, and 3 Push Jerk as a Complex.

3) 10 minute AMRAP:

1 Squat Snatch 155/105

1 Bar Muscle-up

2 Squat Snatch 155/105

2 Bar Muscle-ups

3 Squat Snatch 155/105

3 Bar Muscle-ups

and so on until 1o minutes is up

If you can’t do a Bar Muscle-up sub out 3 Pull-ups, starting with Chest-to-bar, then Pull-ups, and Assisted Pull-ups. Work with something that is difficult for you. If you’re scaling the Squat Snatch weight you should be scaling to a weight that forces you to do singles.


You may have just watched this on mainsite, but some good thoughts in this

Extra Work:

4) Stiff Leg Deadlift: 3 x 15

Heavier than last time. Rest 90 seconds between sets.

5) Hollow Rocks: 100 Not For Time

While ultimately time is a component of this, we want to see absolutely no break down. If you break down, rest.


For results post weight of 5RM Strict Press and thoughts/missed sets of EMOTM, along with total reps completed in the Met-con plus any scaling you used. If you did Extra Work post weight for SLDL’s and thoughts on Hollow Rock.

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