1) 1 & 1/4 Front Squats: 2 Reps EMOTM @ 75% of your 1RM

Warm-up your Front Squat appropriately and then perform 2 1 & 1/4 Front Squat on the minute for 10 minutes for a total of 20 Reps. This is meant to be a quick effort, roughly 15 seconds from unracking the weight to putting it back in the rack. 75% is the recommended weight for today, if this feels too heavy scale as needed, we should not be seeing failed reps.


A quick demo of the movement we are looking for

2) 12 minute AMRAP:

10 Push Press 115/75

15 Box Jumps 24/20

20 Double-unders

These must be Push Press. We want to see absolutely no Push Jerking, we are looking to really hit the shoulders hard.

Extra Work:

3) 3-Position Squat Snatch: 25 reps with PVC

These must be Squat Snatches unless you have mobility issues. Work no heavier than a PVC pipe and just drill positioning. Go from the High Hang or “pockets,” Mid-thigh, and Mid Shin or Floor if it were a bar with plates. This is not for time, but work through these at a steady pace.

4) Kettlebell Turkish Get-up: 3 x 3

These should be as heavy as possible. Alternate hands every rep. Rest 90 seconds between sets.

For results post weight used for Front Squats, and time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post thoughts/comments on Snatches, and weight for each set of TGU’s.

Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

A quick reminder and/or heads up. There is nasty weather coming in and lots of businesses and schools seem to have already decided to close up for tomorrow. Our plan is to be open. I will be leaving a little early for the gym in the morning and will be there around 5:10-5:15. If there is power you will see no posts. If there isn’t power, assuming my phone is all good I will update via Facebook. If power is out we will plan on closing through the morning and checking back in to see if we can open up for the evening classes.