1) Bench Press: 8-8-8-8-8

Warm-up as deemed fit. Work through 5 heavy sets of 8 Bench Press. Make use of the easy ability of having a spotter and work through some failed reps. We should see a set or two where you need assistance on your 8th rep. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

2) 3 rounds AQAP:

7 Muscle-ups

14 Front Squats 155/105

21 Box Jumps 30/24

Sub for Muscle-ups today is 14 Dips or Push-ups

Extra Work:

3) Row: 5K

Keep track of time/average pace.

For results post weight of each set of Bench Press and time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post time, thoughts, etc.

Post Results/Thoughts To Comments