*Internal Team Throwdown has been re-scheduled for Saturday, August 10th. Registration will close July 15th. Please sign-up at the link HERE.


1a) 0:00 – 7:30 – Every 1:30 x 5 sets:

3 Hi-Hang Muscle Clean +

3 Push Press

Start around 50% of your 1RM and build as heavy as deemed fit.

1b) 7:30 – 15:00 – Every 1:30 x 5 sets:

2 Hi-Hang Power Clean +

2 Push Jerk

Continue to build loading from Part A.

1c) 15:00 – 22:30 – Every 1:30 x 5 sets:

1 Hi-Hang Clean +

1 Jerk

Continue to build loading from Part B.

2) 7 minute Up Ladder:

5 Overhead Squats 95/65

1 Rope Climb

Workout goes 5+1, 10+2, 15+3, and so on until 7 minutes is up.

Extra Work:

3) Wide Grip Pronated Landmine Row: 4 sets of 20

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Heavy as possible.

4) Suit-Case Farmers Carry: 400m

Switch hands every 50m. Heavy as possible. Goal is to not put the kettlebell/dumbbell down.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE