*CVCF Gym Update  – 3/19/20 – HERE

**For many of us the simple fact of not driving to and from the gym frees up some time, use this as an opportunity to take care of your body, mobilize a little more, practice some more skills, do some extra accessory work.


1a) Warm-up – Passive – For Quality:

2 minutes Pancake Stretch

2 minutes/side Low Samson Hold

Take your time, stretch longer that prescribed if you need it.

1b) Warm-up – Active – Every 1:00 x 12 sets:

Odd – 40 seconds Run/Row/Bike/Ski/Jumping Jacks/Jump Rope

Even – 10 Scapula Push-ups + 10 Glute Bridge-ups

Get some blood flowing and your heart rate up on the odd round, increasing intensity through each of the 6 cycles. Focus on position and activation on the even round.

2) Strength – Deadlift – 3 sets of:

5 Reps

Rest 60 seconds

4 Reps

Rest 60 seconds

3 Reps

Rest 3 minutes

Warm-up as needed. Use a heavy weight that you can touch-and-go Unbroken, heavy, but not max effort. If you don’t have enough plates for heavy loading scale reps up for appropriate stimulus based on the loading you have available

3) Met-con – Every 8:00 x 5 sets:

400m Run

20 Deficit Hand Release Push-ups

30 Box/Bench/Household Item Jump Overs

1:00 Wall Sit-Hold

Scale as needed so that you get at least 90 seconds of Rest. Focus on consistent efforts and pacing, try and make each round as close to the same time as possible. If you can’t run, use a machine if you have one, jump rope, air squats, burpees (should be round 90-120 seconds of work). Use plates to perform your deficit Push-ups.

4) Decompress – Meditate: 10 minutes

Lay on your back and close your eyes. Focus on your breath as you inhale and exhale, nothing else. When you get sidetracked (because you will) , go back to your breath.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE