*Power Hour Link HERE (Password CVCF)

**CVCF Gym Update – 5/4/20 – HERE


1a) Warm-up – Passive:

1-2 minutes/side Quad Foam Roll/Lacrosse Ball/Household Item

1-2 minutes/side Calf Foam Roll/Lacrosse Ball/Household Item

Spend additional time mobilizing/stretching as needed.

1b) Warm-up – Active – Every 1:00 x 10 sets:

Odd – 30-40 seconds Machine/Jump Rope/Jog/High Knees/etc.

Even – 5 Pull-ups/Rows + 10 Push-ups + 15 Air Squats

Scale volume on the even round to be able to work through the work at a comfortable pace and have 15-20 seconds of Rest.

2) Met-con – “Power Hour” – Every 1:00 x 60 sets:

1 – 8-12 D-Ball Over the Shoulder

2 – 10-15 D-Ball Bear Squats

3 – 10-20 D-Ball Floor Press

4 – 10-20 Alternating D-Ball Bear Lunges

5 – 30-40 Alternating Bicycle Tuck Crunches

6 – 6-12 Burpees

7 – 20-40 Criss-Cross Mountain Climbers

8 – 30 seconds Push-ups or Alternating Plyo Push-ups Off Ball/Low Box/Plate(s)/Book(s)

The actual ordering of this workout will be announced live as we do it on Zoom at 9:00 AM. You will have 8 stations. We will be doing a randomized drawing of the movements ahead of time, so there is the possibility that some of the movements aren’t even done, while others could be done a lot, a true hopper style workout. In order to not let things get too crazy with movement rotations, we will be doing each movement for double sets, so there will be a total of 30 randomized draws. As always we encourage you to scale reps/weights/etc. up or down as needed depending on your abilities. For Station 5, 1 Rep consists of, 1 V-Up, then perform a roll/transition from Hollow to Superman and perform an Arch-up, then roll/transition back to Hollow, and repeat for additional reps. Equipment needed for this workout is a D-Ball.

*Workout order for today was…4,3,6,1,5,3,1,4,3,7,3,1,7,2,5,1,2,3,3,7,6,1,5,6,8,6,2,5,1,6

3) Accessory – 3 sets of: 10/side Curtsey Lunges

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Add loading as deemed fit in the goblet position.

4) Secondary Conditioning: 30-60 minute Nature Walk

Try and get outside if the weather cooperates.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE