*Zoom EMOTM of the Day @ Noon Today HERE (Password is CVCF)

**CVCF Gym Update – 4/26/20 – HERE

***New Softgoods Order Shipped Direct to you HERE (First wave of orders will be placed the morning of Monday the 20th)


1a) Warm-up – Passive:

1-2 minutes/side Lat Stretch

2 minutes Lying Hands Behind Back Stretch

Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed.

1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of:

10 Downdog Reach for Opposite Foot

10/side Single Leg Glute Bridge-ups

For quality, not for time.

2) Strength/Volume Work – Every 1:00 x 15 sets:

Sets 1-5 – 3 Muscle Snatch

Sets 6-10 – 1 Power Snatch + Pause Overhead Squat

Sets 11-15 – 1 Squat Snatch

Warm-up as needed. For the Muscle Snatches reset on the floor each rep. Build as heavy as deemed fit through each of the progressions.

3) Gymnastics – 5 rounds for Quality:

10-15 Strict Handstand Push-ups

50 Double-unders

Move through this at a moderate breathing pace…the focus should be on large sets of the gymnastics and unbroken sets on the jump rope.

4) Met-con – 2 rounds of 18-15-12 – AQAP:

Hang Power Snatch 75/55


Perform 18-15-12 of each movement, alternating between the two, then repeat for a 2nd round. If you have access to a Pull-up Bar then perform Knees-up/Toes-to-bar in place of V-Ups. Scale as needed.

5) Accessory – 5 sets of:

5 Pendlay Rows

Max Effort Overhead Plate Tricep Curls

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets.

6) Secondary Conditioning – 20 minute AMRAP:

:30 Second Side Plank Hold

:30 Second Front Plank Hold

1:00 Wall Sit

50 Walking Lunges

30 Bent Over, Reverse Flyes

Scale as needed.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE





Snatch Session Demo