*Internal Team Throwdown has been re-scheduled for Saturday, August 10th. Registration will close July 15th. Please sign-up at the link HERE.


1a) 0:00 – 10:00 – Every 2:30 x 4 sets: Back Squat (10-7-5-3)

Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM. Build through the sets as heavy as deemed fit. Reference your last 4 weeks of Back Squats for loading.

1b) 10:00 – 18:00 – Every 2:00 x 4 sets: 5/side D-Ball Bear Hug Slider Reverse Lunges

Perform all reps on 1 leg, then switch to the other. One foot on the ground, the other on a slider. Slider back to the bottom of the lunge and slide back to the starting position. Start light as this is a new exercise for most and build loading as deemed fit.

1c) 18:00 – 26:00 – Every 2:00 x 4 sets: 7/side Single Leg Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift

Perform all reps on 1 side before switching to the other. Focus on position over loading.

2) AQAP:

75 Power Snatches 65/45

Extra Work:

3) Cable Hamstring Curls: 3 sets of 20

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible.

4) Every 5:00 x 10 sets:

20/15 Calories Assault Bike

100m Dog Sled Push @ Bodyweight

20/15 Calories Assault Bike

Dog Sled weighs 100lbs, factor that into your load, this is meant to be light, you should almost be able to run with the sled.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE