1a) 0:00 – 12:00 – Every 1:00 x 12 sets:

Station 1 – 40 seconds Ski/Bike/Row

Station 2 – 10/side Kettlebell/Dumbbell Serratus Punch

Station 3 – 20-30 second Hollow Hold

Station 4 – 5-10 Dumbbell Z-Press

Increase intensity each round on the machine, and work to increase the loading on the Z-Press each set…starting light, higher reps, and building into a moderate load at lower reps by the 3rd cycle through.

1b) 17:00 – 24:00 – Every 1:00 x 7 sets: 3 “Speed” Strict Press

Use a loading that is on the lighter side and focus on maximal speed on the way up on each rep. Focus should be on speed of the Barbell over the loading.

1c) 25:00 – 35:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets: 2 Split Jerks

Start around 60% of your 1RM and build as heavy as deemed fit. If you’re not feeling the heavier lifts today, perform this as 10 sets on the 1:00 at lighter loads and work on your skill and technique.

1d) 35:00 – 45:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets:

3-5 Strict Handstand Push-ups

20 Lateral Bar Hops

5-10 Kipping Handstand Push-ups

20 Lateral Hops

Stimulus of this piece is that all sets are meant to be done unbroken. Think about your capacities and pick your reps wisely. As a gym, and coaches, we encourage that unless you can perform a Strict Handstand Push-up you should not be doing Kipping Handstand Push-ups…for the purpose of longevity and safety. If you don’t have a Strict Handstand Push-up yet you can perform this as a Stink Bug + Handstand Hold to develop both the Pressing Strength and time under tension needed through the Handstand Hold.


2) Monostructural Conditioning – Ski Erg:

A – 10 minute Easy Warm-up

B – 4 sets of – 6 minutes @ Damper 5-6 @ Moderately Hard Pace/3 minutes Damper 1-2 Easy Pace

C – 5-10 minute Easy Cool-down

Rest as needed between parts. Work for hard but maintainable paces for the 6 minute efforts.

3) Weightlifting – Bamboo Bar Overhead Hold: 5 sets of 1 minute

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Load as deemed fit.

4) Gymnastics – Pause Ring Dips: 10 sets of 3

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Hold the bottom position for 3 seconds each rep. Load as deemed fit.

5) Trunk – Hollow Rocks w/Band Attached to Rig: 3 sets of 20/side

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE