Wow, it seems like just yesterday I was piling Dumbbells into the back of my Jeep to drive up to Dorest Park to train with people. Today marks 2 years of Champlain Valley CrossFit officially being open and I can’t begin to describe how amazed I am with everything that has happened. The gym has far exceeded my expectations in such a short period of time, and I can’t thank you all enough. Each and every person that comes to Champlain Valley CrossFit helps make this such an amazing place to not only train but to just be a part of. The group of people that train here are absolutely amazing and I don’t think I could be any more fortunate to be surrounded by such wonderful individuals. Through Champlain Valley CrossFit I’ve seen people rise and fall on a daily basis conquering what often seems like the unconquerable, individuals have changed their lives greatly for the better, reversing hold habits and picking up new, better ones that will allow them to live longer, healthier, more active lives, I’ve met an amazing woman and partner that I now get to work with everyday, and through CrossFit, the coolest group of like minded people have come together to have fun and work hard, and that community is constantly growing. I can’t thank you all enough for helping me follow my dream, for helping me spread CrossFit, and for helping me show so many people how fucking awesome you can feel by pushing your bodies physical limits and fueling it with real food. Thank you all so much, I greatly look forward to another year of sweat, blood, and tears. Paleo Challenges, competitions, and barbecues. More laughs, new friends, and better health. Cheers.

– Jade