A few reminders for everybody.

We will begin moving this weekend. Saturday and Sunday we will be spending the day at the new facility moving, unloading, sawing, hanging, and screwing things together. We can use any and all helping hands. Saturday there will only be an 8:00 AM class, followed by a 9:00 AM kids class. Moving will begin around 9:30 AM, and we will work for the day. Whether you can help for 45 minutes, or all day, any and all help is appreciated. Hit the link below to put down any tools, or other items you might have to bring.


This Friday the CrossFit Open begins for us. We will begin running heats at 5:00 PM on Friday (you can show up as early as 4:00 to begin moving around and warming up). There will be no structured class. Anyone can come in and workout regardless of whether or not they are competing in the Open, but there will be no structured class. You will be responsible for warming up on your own, and can hop in on a heat of the workout whenever you like. This will go for the next 5 weeks every Friday night.

If you didn’t see it already check out the article at the link below that both Dani and Trevor are featured in. Big props to them for all their hard work.


– Jade