Feeling great this morning. Glutes are still a bit sore, and my chest is sore from the ring dips yesterday. Kept the eating clean all day yesterday, I feel lean and strong, feel great. Almost done with school, one more week and I’m graduating, finally. Got in a solid WOD today, decided to work the knees a little to see how they respond.


Back Squat: 45×10, 75×10, 95×10, 115×10, 135×10

3 rounds AQAP
15 Hang Power Clean 135lb
15 Burpees


Decided to do a little squatting to see how my knees were feeling. Knees felt great during the actual squats, we’ll see how they feel later this evening. Didn’t go too heavy, but heavy enough (for me) to put a little work on the legs. Shows that my legs have definitely gotten a little weak from not squatting for about 2 months. Last set was easy, but I could feel a little working going on in the legs. Met-con was solid. Main-site WOD for today. I wanted to do full weight to see how I stalked up to the top dog times. Goal was under 6 minutes which I hit. Pleasantly surprised hitting the first set of hang power cleans unbroken. Burpees were pretty consistent throughout, definitely a little slow, should have pushed a little more on those. 2nd and 3rd set of hang power clean were done in 5-5-5. Overall happy with my performance, and looking at the comments on the website my time is definitely on the quicker end of those being posted. I think I’m going to hit the main-site WOD from two days ago tomorrow and sub push-ups for ring dips as that amount of ring dips just isn’t happening. Cheers.

– Jade