Alternating Barbell Lunges: 8-8-8-8- (per side)

3 rounds AQAP:
60 Double-unders
30 Pull-ups
15 Power Cleans 135/95

Post results/thoughts to comments

While the gym was a bit slow today a bunch of you stepped up, gritted through it, and did double-unders in the workout. You guys all did awesome on the lunges as well, don’t curse me too much tomorrow morning when you wake up. Hope we see a bunch of you tomorrow morning, if we don’t, enjoy the beautiful week.

A quick heads up. Champlain Valley CrossFit will be opening its doors on Sundays starting this weekend. We will be open from 11 AM – 1 PM. There will be no scheduled classes. This will be an open gym. Come in, work on something you are weak at, make up a WOD you missed, etc. With that in mind we will be open until 1 PM, so please try and stay away from showing up at 12:55 PM to workout. Again if we don’t see you this weekend, enjoy it.

Matt working through his lunges
And another Matt hitting up his tuck jumps
– Jade