Jump Rope: 10 minutes

Unbroken Box Jumps: 20-20-20 (adjust height of box each set as deemed fit, whatever pace you start with you must end with, no stopping)

7 minute AMRAP:
7 Push Jerks 115/85
7 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 115/85

Post results/thoughts to comments

Happy New Year everybody. It was great to have such a big class for the last one of the year, you all rocked out and pushed hard. Just want to say how thankful I am to have you in the gym, each and everyone of you make it happen and you all make the experience of owning a gym, working at a gym, and being able to train at a CrossFit facility totally awesome. Bring in the New Year with a bang and lets hit it hard starting next week. Cheers.

The noon class working through the warm-up…thanks K-star for the ever evolving MWOD
Everybody throwing down…thanks to Chris for snapping pics
Donnie and Sarah working hard
John pushing himself hard as always
– Jade