AQAP – Unbroken: (reps must be precision, no breaking, and any no rep is a restart)
50 Double-unders 0-3 minutes
40 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 3-6 minutes
30 Wall Balls 20/14 6-8 minutes
20 Pull-ups 8-10 minutes
10 Push Jerks 155/105 10-12 minutes

This workout has a 12 minute time cap. The times displayed are the time limits on each movement. If you hit 3 minutes and haven’t completed the 50 double-unders you have to move on.

Rest Exactly 6 minutes

4 rounds AQAP:
2 Muscle-ups
8 Kettlebell Snatch/side 53/35

Post results/thoughts to comments

Awesome work today everybody. While the first workout is maybe a little more than some of you are looking for out of a fitness program, I think it is good for everyone to do and an incredibly important and powerful tool for your mental fortitude. Kim Dannies entitled the workout “Candyland” because if you screw up you go back to the beginning. It was great to see many of you be strict on yourselves and start over when you knew you weren’t getting a solid rep. And remember, if you didn’t finish a movement you didn’t fail the workout. You learned where your limits were, and how much rest you may or may not need before moving onto another movement. You’ll see something like this a little more often. Keep up the great work, hope to see lots of you for a good one tomorrow. Cheers.

Swings, somehow our lone picture for the day
Get yourself pumped for the competitions season. We’ve already got more people signed up than last year for the open. I hope lots of you sign-up and use this as an opportunity to test yourself mentally and physically, and help become a part of a driving force that will bring us to the Northeast Regionals.
– Jade