7 minute AMRAP:
5 Squat Cleans 135/95
10 Ball Slams 40/30

Rest Exactly 8 minutes

5 rounds AQAP:
10 Push Press 95/65
30 Lateral Bar Hops

Post results/thoughts to comments

Awesome job today everybody. You all did great and tore up the workout. Many of you bumped up your squat cleans which was awesome to see. Going heavier will make you stronger, being stronger will make everything in life easier. The second met-con was a real burner and it was awesome to see so many of you really treat it as such and go all out.

Today marks day 5 of the Paleo Challenge. Only 55 days left πŸ™‚ With that said make sure you are keeping track of your diet, and for those of you who are having trouble figuring out what to eat, make sure you eat enough. Often folks don’t know what to eat, so they don’t eat all, make sure you EAT! Lastly, CrossFit is great, but so is doing other things, so if you go out for a run, go skiing, hiking, etc. make sure you are giving yourself a point for that, because you deserve it. I don’t know about you guys but after a few rough weeks of eating I feel damn amazing at the moment 5 days in. Keep it up and hope to see lots of you tomorrow morning. Cheers.

Bryant gritting through the squat cleans
Susan killing it and stepping up to 65lbs today
Caitlin getting ready to hurl the ball into the ground
– Jade