Wendler: Week 1 – Pull

5 rounds AQAP:
50 Double-unders
15 Pull-ups

Great work today everybody. Those of you who are doing the Wendler Cycle great job on finishing your first week of it. A note for those of you doing the Wendler Cycle. On all of the “Max Reps” sets you should be getting at least the same as your previous two sets if not more. For instance this first week was a 5 Rep week, if on your “Max Reps” sets you aren’t getting at least 5 reps, ideally it should be higher in the 6-10 range the weight is too heavy for you, and you need to take you weights down a little. With that being said there is nothing wrong with that. Some people have different discrepenices between there 1RM and 5RM. For instance one persons 5RM might be 90% of their 1RM, while another 5RM could be 80% of their 1RM. So if you’re not getting those big max rep sets, take your weight down a little. At the same time if you’re getting over 12 reps on your “Max Reps” sets you need to increase the weight a little bit. Good work guys, keep it up, and please ask questions if you have any. Cheers.

Bob in the zone for his lifts
Bart representing with his “Hawks” shirt, we’ve got a few left if you want one
Phillip hitting a tuck jump
– Jade