Front Squat: 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Front Squat

8 rounds for Max Reps of:
20 seconds Deadlift 225/155
10 seconds Rest
20 seconds Ball Slams 40/30
10 seconds Rest
20 seconds Air Squats
10 seconds Rest

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PR’s all over the place today. Awesome to see so many of you working diligently to improve your positioning on the front squat and in return you get to move more weight. A nice burner of a met-con today, you all did awesome and pushed yourselves hard. Hope to see tons of you tomorrow for the Open house, bring any and everyone. Cheers.

Julie, Carol, and Sarah working through the Deadlifts…Carol is our oldest member at almost 67 and is as strong as ever…what’s your excuse for not dedicating a few hours a week to improving your health, fitness, and longevity
Friday night throwing down and working hard
– Jade