Handstand Work: 15 minutes (work on any facet of handstands)

“Camp Alleghany” – 21-15-9 AQAP:
Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 95/65
Overhead Squats 95/65

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Great job today guys, and again everyone did awesome with the Paleo challenge. As you can see you will start getting names with all of the met-cons from now on. I’m starting by going through a list of Civil War battlefields/towns, so you guys will have some sort of name to place with every workout. Great job on the met-con as well. Hopefully see a bunch of people in tomorrow for the “Hope on the Slope” fundraiser. Workouts will go at 8:00 AM, 8:45 AM, and 9:30 AM. There will be NO 10:30 AM Free Intro workout. If we don’t see you tomorrow have a great weekend and see you Monday for the “Ryan Hawks Memorial Workout.” Cheers.

Ryan with a nice overhead squat
Julia and Terri pushing through the Overhead Squats
Big Chase bought a couple of treats for the gym…40lb Box weight vests
– Jade