Push Press: 5-5-5-5-5

Max Reps:
2 minutes Double-unders
30 seconds Rest
2 minutes Air Squats
30 seconds Rest
2 minutes Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 75/55
30 seconds Rest

2 minutes Double-unders
30 seconds Rest
2 minutes Air Squats
30 seconds Rest
2 minutes Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 75/55
Post results/thoughts to comments
Nice job on the push presses today guys, we saw some big numbers and a bunch of you PR’d your lifts. I think all those tuck jumps today gave you all reason to start learning the double-unders. Great job on a rough conditioning workout. Keep it up. Cheers.
Vinny with a nice push press
Elliott rocking through his double-unders
Kris and Mike hitting some of their tuck jumps
– Jade