Legs are feeling much better this morning. Quads are still sore, but at least I’m mobile now. Knees are feeling considerably better, still hurting a little bit, but much better. I really think the cycling is helping them a ton. Back was hurting this morning and really hurting after work. I had to move around a bunch of large rocks today, and then move dirt with a hoe for about 2 hours, so a lot of lower back intensive work. Need to pick up some more tiger balm, I’ve been out for a couple weeks and it really helped last time. Just got home from the park. Had a great workout, got a good size group, 7 people. Did a team WOD which I think everyone had a good time with. Everyone worked hard, and people’s movement is definitely getting better already after just a few workouts. Some pictures below from the WOD.

After the park workout I snuck in a quick workout before dinner. I’d heard this was a great WOD, by great I mean really hard, so I thought I’d give it a go.
4 rounds AQAP:
500m Row
400m Run
My workout was solid. I was doing the runs up and down my street so there was some turnaround which probably slowed me down. Each run was done on a 100m section turning around a total of 3 times per run, it was on a hill to so half up and half down. Rowing was definitely slow to start, my lats are pretty sore from yesterday, and my pull was feeling a little weak. My first 500 was 1:50 which was the slowest, my last one was the fastest and clocked in at 1:46. Would have been nice to have all 4 of them down in the mid 1:40’s. Running felt pretty consistent, really worked on pulling my heels up which naturally made me move quicker. Solid workout and felt good to get something in when I thought I’d be missing a workout today. Going to try and get out on the mountain bike tomorrow. Cheers.
– Jade.