Thruster: 3-3-3, 10-10-10

4 rounds for Max Reps:
1 minute Sumo Deadlift High-pull 95/65, 65/45
1 minute Push Press 95/65, 65/45
1 minute Rest

Perform 2 rounds at the first weight, then strip the bar to the second weight for rounds 3 and 4

Post results/thoughts to comments

Great work today everybody. Way to push some heavy weights around on those thrusters. It seems to be happening often these days, “oh that doesn’t look that bad,” followed by shoulders blown up and folks laying on the floor 🙂 Great work on the met-con, never underestimate anything on the board, often the easiest looking stuff is often the hardest. Cheers.

Stephanie with a nice high-pull
Jo and Nancy bars overhead
– Jade