1) Hatch Cycle – Week 7 – Day 2:

Back Squat: 1×4 @ 70%, 1×4 @ 75%, 1×4 @ 80%, 1×4 @ 85%

Front Squat: 1×5 @ 60%, 1×5 @ 65%, 2×5 @ 70%

Warm-up appropriately then upon starting rest no more than 90 seconds between sets, including the transition from Back Squat to Front Squat.

For some that have been asking this should give you a good idea of the difference between the low and high bar, and hopefully you understand why we high bar
2) 12 minute AMRAP:
3 Squat Snatch 95/65
100m Run
6 Power Snatch 95/65
100m Run
6 Squat Snatch 95/65
100m Run
12 Power Snatch 95/65
100m Run
Extra Work:
3) Overhead Pistol Squat: Practice 10-15 mintes
Spend 10-15 minutes working on Overhead Pistol squats with a PVC or Bar. If you can’t do a Pistol Squat proficiently, spend this time working on the regular Pistol Squat.

4) Strict Pull-ups: 2×15
If you can complete both sets of these with your bodyweight, weight accordingly so that you can barely finish both sets. Rest 3 minutes between sets.

For results post weight of each set of Squats, and Rounds plus Reps for Met-con along with any scaling used. If you did the Extra Work post thoughts/experience with Overhead Pistols, and sets of Strict Pull-ups

Post results/thoughts to comments
– Jade