Every-minute-on-the-minute: Perform 3 Barbell Squat Clean Thrusters for 10 minutes

“Peralta”- Total Meters:
Row 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Row 60 seconds
Rest 50 seconds
Row 60 seconds
Rest 40 seconds
Row 60 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Row 60 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
Row 60 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Row 60 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
Row 60 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Row 60 seconds
Rest 40 seconds
Row 60 seconds
Rest 50 seconds
Row 60 seconds

Post results/thoughts to comments

Great work today everybody. Nice job tying together the squat cleans and the thrusters into a uniform movement. In addition thanks for those of you who were patient with us today. We don’t have a ton of rowers, but this is a great workout that I wanted to see a lot of you guys do. Thanks for sticking around and running two heats. We’ll be a little short on photos the next few days as the camera got knocked onto the ground, we’ll be good to go by the end of the week. Cheers.

Lisa working on through some squat clean thrusters
Rocking out the rowing intervals
– Jade