Wow, I’m sore today. My knees are aching a little but not nearly as bad as in the past. I’m going to continue keeping the squatting low, and do the same quad exercises I have been because I think it’s working. Quads and abs are quite sore today, especially my quads, chest and shoulders are also a bit sore. Feeling good today but a little tired, might have stayed up a little late last night. Motivated myself once I got home to workout instead of taking a nap first. Happy I did, feel great, and had a good workout.

CrossFit Football 4/23/2010

Power Clean: 195×3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Weighted Chin-up: 30×3, 40×3, 50×3, 60×3, 60×3

2 x 20 Meter Sprints (rest 20 seconds between efforts)

Rest 30 seconds then…

4 x 30 Meter Sprints (rest 30 seconds between efforts)

Rest 30 seconds then…

10 x 10 Meter Flying Starts (rest 30 seconds between efforts)
*take 10 meters to accelerate, you should be full speed by the time you hit your start.

Workout was great. Although I was feeling a bit tired, I got myself in the mindset and had a solid WOD. Last week I did the power cleans at 185. Today’s workout called for a 5lb increase, last week I felt I was a little light, so I upped it 10lbs. Felt good and strong and got all 5 sets without too much of a struggle. Definitely up another 5lbs next week. Weighted chins were good, wasn’t sure exactly where to start. Definitely started a little light, but by the end I found the right spot. 60lbs was just enough to barely squeak out 3 reps. Sprints felt great. Haven’t really done much sprinting, so it was good. Could really feel my hip flexors working, especially when trying to slow down. I could really feel the POSE form when hitting full speed, just need to work the position into my normal running. All felt good and I’m super happy with a solid workout. Cheers.
– Jade