Max Clean and Jerk, and Clean: 20 minutes

10, 9, 8…3, 2, 1 – AQAP:
Squat Cleans 135/95
30 Double-unders

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Awesome job today everybody, it was great to see so many people in the building throwing down and working hard. A number of you hit PR’s on your Clean and Jerks which is awesome, and I saw a lot of you work with the weights that you can do properly which is hugely important. The Olympic lifts are all about technique, so take the time to learn them and do them right, even if it means lifting less weight until you get it right. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

Garrett with beautiful positioning in the bottom of his clean…elbows up, tall chest, knees out, weight in the heels
Carrie only just finished On-ramp but she has been coming consistently and is doing awesome
– Jade