Wendler: Week 11 – Squat

“Isabel”- AQAP:
30 Snatches 135/95

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Great job todays guys, but where was everybody. I know, I know it’s August, I hope you are all enjoying your vacations and we see you all back in soon strong and ready to hit it hard. This week marks our last heavy week of the Wendler programming, I think you have all gotten stronger, and I look forward to seeing everyone do the CF total at the end of the month. Great job on Isabel, whether you PR’d time, moved up in weight, or did it for the first time, you all did an awesome job. Keep up the good work. Cheers.

Dani receiving the bar and using the full 95lbs
We did have a big class at 9 AM
Ken with a heavy squat and a big PR on the met-con
Elliott gritting through his last snatches
– Jade