1) Hatch Cycle – Week 5 – Day 1:

Back Squat: 1×8 @ 65%, 1×6 @ 75%, 1×4 @ 85%, 1×4 @ 90%

Front Squat: 1×5 @70%, 1×4 @ 80%, 1×3 @ 85%, 1×3 @ 90%

Warm-up appropriately for your sets, upon starting rest no more than 90 seconds between sets, including the transition from Back Squat to Front.

280 Kilos, that’s just a little ole 616 pounds…beast

2) 15-12-9-6-3 – AQAP:
Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95
Burpee Lateral Bar Hop

Shoulder-to-Overhead is anyway, anyhow, but should ideally be Push Press or Push Jerk, if you’re having to Split Jerk the weight is likely too heavy. You should be working with a weight that you can do this workout predominantly unbroken with.


3) 8 rounds of :20/:10: Hollow Rock/Superman

8 Tabatta Rounds alternating between Hollow Rock one round and Superman the other round for a total of 4 rounds of each.

For results post weight of each set of Squats and time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used.

Post results/thoughts to comments

– Jade