Open gym has been well attended and this afternoon was no exception. People warmed up at their own pace then selected a skill to work on for 20 minutes. This skill was off the Work Your Weakness board. There are CrossFit skills we like, and the things we don’t. It’s usually the things we don’t like that we avoid, consequently what we need to practice the most. My nemesis is pull-ups. Ken picked hand-stand holds and got a taste of hand-stand pushups. Others rowed, jumped rope, and practiced their squat cleans. The met-con was intervals of 30 seconds of work and 1 min of rest incorporating pull-ups, squat cleans and burpees, counting total reps at the end of 3 rounds. Good work everyone!

Classes begin Wednesday on our official opening date – September 1st! Check this site for class times, on-ramp schedule, and drop us a note if you have any questions. – Betsy