5 rounds for Max Reps:
1 minute Wall Ball 20/14
1 minute Ball Slam 40/30
1 minute Box Jumps 24/18
1 minute Kettlebell Swing 70/53
1 minute Burpee
1 minute Rest

While we only had 1 class today it was great to see a good crew of people in here. I think it’s important to remember longer certainly does not always mean harder. I, along with many other people would say this is a much harder workout than Saturday, so if you’re one of those folks who has been nervous about coming into a Saturday class because it’s longer, don’t be. Longer doesn’t mean harder. The camera is out for a few days so some photos here from the Garage Games Finals of our athletes that competed.

Elliott doing squat cleans
Kristi hammering out wall balls
Dani in the final event on the rope climb
– Jade