Snatch Balance: 15 minutes (don’t work any heavier than a barbell, we are working on technique here, footwork, speed under the bar, strong bottom position etc. If you don’t have a fairly good overhead squat spend time working on this)

3 rounds AQAP:
5 Muscle-ups
25 Box Jumps 24/18

Post results/thoughts to comments

Happy Valentines Day everybody. Hope you all had a wonderful day. Awesome to see so many people in today and it was great to see some of you doing your first workout with muscle-ups. Overhead squats are improving, and pull-ups are continuing to get stronger. Great work guys, keep it up. Cheers.

Nancy, HJ, and Alison on the box jumps
Dani…our first woman to get muscle-ups, awesome work
A big class at 5:45 PM…heats, partners cheering each other on
Bryant working through his muscle-ups
On-ramp crew hitting up the wall balls
– Jade