Paleo Benchmarks

1RM Front Squat

Max Pull-ups

20 Burpees
30 Power Clean 135/95
40 Wall Balls 20/14
500m Row

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Great work today everybody, almost everyone through the gym today signed up for the Paleo Challenge. We’ve got about 35 people doing it, so there should be a nice little chunk of change up for grabs. You guys all put up some impressive numbers today, and many of you surprised yourself with your pull-ups. I have to put a shout out for Kristi Lunny, when we opened September 1st she couldn’t do a pull-up, I think she got her first one mid October, today she got 17. Stick to the training and the diet and you guys will all reap similar rewards. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

Kristi on her way to 17 pull-ups

– Jade