Snatch Complex: 1-1-1-1-1 (1 Complex consists of 1 Snatch Grip Deadlift, 1 Squat Snatch, 1 Hang Power Snatch, 1 Overhead Squat)

10 minute AMRAP:
3 Power Cleans 185/135
11 Ring Push-ups

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Great to see so many faces today. Everyone is continuing to make big progress on their olympic lifts and did a great job in all aspects of the WOD today. Those of you doing the Paleo Challenge, keep it up, you guys are all doing an awesome job…2 weeks down, 4 to go, I hear about pounds shedding off left and right, so pumped for all of you. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

Nancy and Sarah hitting an overhead squat
Working through the met-con…Chad back in action
Ken’s been traveling a lot the last couple of weeks but back at it pushing hard today
– Jade