Work You Weakness Strength Bias: 5-5-3

15 minute AMRAP:
7 Burpee Power Cleans 95/65
21 Double-unders
7 Front Squats 95/65

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Happy New Year’s everybody. Great to see so many people in the gym today. We had a couple of a class with 10+ people which was awesome, in addition to a new On-ramp class of 7 people. You guys all kicked ass today and worked hard in a tough workout. Burpees are hard enough by themself, add them to something else and they really suck. Good work guys. Cheers.

Kristi on a burpee power clean
Jeff moving up on his weights
Mark with a dumbbell sub for the bar…working hard
Bob is back…pushing it hard right from the get go
– Jade