Wendler: Week 8 – Squat

5 rounds AQAP:
10 Kettlebell Snatch Left 53/35
10 Kettlebell Snatch Right 53/35
100ft Bear Crawl

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Nice to see some big classes today, and nice to see the heat break. Hope you all had an awesome weekend. Remember, for those of you doing the Wendler Programming, this is a deloading week, so your weights should be lighter on your main barbell lifts. The program is successful for a reason so don’t go changing anything. Bear crawls really snuck up on a lot of you, they are tough, maybe we’ll do them again in the future but carrying dumbbells in your hands. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers.

Jessica just a few weeks out of On-ramp has been very consistent coming and is doing and awesome job…keep it up Jessica
Julia powering through the kettlebell snatches
Ed, Zack, and Jeff getting through the snatches
David working on the box squats
– Jade