Squat Snatch: 2 Squat Snatches Every-minute-on-the-minute for 8 minutes

Squats Snatches should be at approximately 75% of your 1RM Snatch. These should not be touch and go. We are looking for precision form. Perform 1 rep, drop the bar, reset to a nice start position and perform a second rep. The weight should be heavy, but something that you shouldn’t be at risk of failing.

30 Back Squats 135/95
20 Pull-ups
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95
20 Front Squats 135/95

20 Pull-ups
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95
10 Overhead Squats 135/95
20 Pull-ups
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95
For this workout you are allowed one bar and one weight. If you are poor at the Overhead Squat or Shoulder-to-Overhead than you know what you need to work on and your choice is to either go light and quick through the work, or grit through the reps at a heavier weight and get the movements done all at a heavier weight.

For results post weight used for Squat Snatch and any missed reps. For the met-con post time and any scaling used to complete the workout.

Post results/thoughts to comments
Happy Monday everybody. Great to see so many folks in today. Good work on the Snatches and the Met-con. There was a lot of mental fight involved with the Met-con. For those of you who have a tendency to always Power Snatch this was a good opportunity to Squat Snatch. If you struggle with the mobility for that Overhead Squat position work on it because it is incredibly important and crucial to moving a large load on the Snatch. Keep up the great work. See you tomorrow. Cheers.
Ryan putting the bar overhead
Corey working through the Back Squats
Chris fighting for position on the Squat Snatch
Bob doing a great job getting through his Front Squats
– Jade