Work Your Weakness Strength: 20 minutes (Pick 2 movements. These movements must be strength based. Pick a rep range between 1-5 and a weight, if applicable, to match the rep range. Perform the 1st movement for the given rep range every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes and then move to the 2nd movement, performing the given rep range every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes.)

Work Your Weakness Met-con:  12 minute AMRAP (This must be a couplet. So pick 2 movements, pick the weights where applicable, and reps ranges for both the movements. Perform an AMRAP for 12 minutes with the given movements, weights, and reps you have chosen.)

Post results/thoughts to comments

Great work today everybody. Good to see such a wide range of things being done. Burpees, deadlifts, power cleans, overhead squats, toes-to-bar, wall balls, turkish get-ups, and double-unders to name a few. You guys all worked hard and did a good job of pinpointing the stuff you are poor at. Congratulations to our newest On-ramp group that finished last night, they did an awesome job, and I’m sure we’ll see some of them in class tomorrow. Cheers.

Julia is starting to knock out pull-ups
Kim with a nice deadlift…6 days of skiing in Utah last week, “I’ve never been able to ski that hard before for 6 days in a row. Thanks CrossFit”
Jeff feeling the pain of the wall ball
On-ramp crew is done…Jeff, Sarah, Jamie, Rob, Katie, Turi, Carol, Chelsea, Wade, and Ilsa…Congratulations guys, see you all in the gym soon
– Jade