Pause Back Squats:
2 @ 45% of 1RM
2 @ 55% of 1RM
2 @ 65% of 1RM
5 x 2 @75% of 1RM

For these squats were are looking for a quick decent to the bottom, a hold for 5 seconds, then a small bounce in the bottom and a drive to the top. Rest no more than 90 seconds between sets. If you’ve done these before add 10lbs to each set if your 1RM is over 150lbs, and add 5lbs to each set if your 1RM is under 150lbs. For that 5×2 the weight should not change.

“Grace”- AQAP:
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95

For results post weight used for 5×2 squats and time for met-con along with weight used for met-con.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Great to see so many folks in this Monday. I think it was a record day with over 100 people in the gym, keep it up, you are all training hard and doing amazing. The Pause Squats showed their head again and you guys all did awesome once again. Way to tear up “Grace.” A number of you hit Rx’d for the first time, other’s stepped up their weights from times past, and others made huge PR’s in terms of time. There will be at least one more girl this week, who and when we will find out when the day comes. Cheers.

Getting that hip and quad opened up
Carol with a nice finish position on one of her jerks
Steve hitting it Rx’d and working hard for that fast time
– Jade