Got a solid night’s sleep last night. I was cooked after the ride. Had a big dinner and pretty much hit the sack. Body feels good this morning, of course my back is hurting. My knees felt exceptionally good this morning so I decided to work them a little today. I’m wondering if the cycling is helping them. Nothing to crazy with the workout today.


Back Squat: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×5, 195×5, 205×5

3 rounds with 1 minute rest in between rounds, 30 seconds in each position of:
Left Plank
Right Plank
Front Plank
Left Bird Dog
Right Bird Dog

Squats felt OK. Definitely a little weak. I could have gone a little heavier but my back was not feeling it. I think when I was actually squatting this winter my best was 255×5. So 205 is definitely low, but not awful considering I haven’t really squatted in 3 months, and I think I could have hit 215 if my back wasn’t hurting so much. Knees feel fine now, a couple hours after the squats, hopefully that good feeling continues. Did the “core” work to help with my back a bit. Nothing overly hard, but it was good consistent work on the lower back. Going to hit a met-con tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade