Woke up this morning feeling a bit better than yesterday. The lump in my throat was still there, but not feeling as bad. Back was feeling slightly better, but still not all there. I got out in the woods for about 4 hours to do trail work this morning. Wasn’t sure how my back was going to handle the trail work. Most of the work I did today was bench work, so a lot of moving dirt with a hoe. That meant a lot of time spent hunched over. Honestly my back felt pretty good afterwards, and with a lot of twisting, I felt a bunch of pops throughout the day. Felt pretty beat in the afternoon but motivated myself to get a workout in. I knew I needed it after all the days off, and I felt my back would be good to go. Going to have to get used to doing the manual labor/trail work in the morning and workouts in the evening.


Rower Intervals:
100m x 1min rest: 17.4, 17.1, 16.9, 16.9, 17.0, 16.9, 17.2, 17.1

Rest 5 Minutes

250m x 2min rest: 45.1, 45.6, 46.4, 47.0

Rest 5 Minutes

500m Row: 1:35.0

Workout was brutal. I did 1k to warm up, and honestly felt a little weak during the warm-up. The intervals got worse as they went on. After all the 100m intervals my lower back was on fire. I credit this to moving so quickly that I wasn’t sliding in far enough and ended up bending way over. This was remedied on the longer intervals when I wasn’t physically moving so fast. I have no idea what to compare the shorter intervals to. The 500m was exactly what I was shooting for. Given how cooked I was by the time I got to the 500m I figured a 1:35 would be pretty good. I hit exactly that, so I can’t complain too much. My 500m PR is 1:28.9 so not too far off given how worked I was. Felt really good to get a workout in. Hopefully will feel good to get a workout in tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade