5 rounds AQAP
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Air Squats

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Ah, it’s finally starting to get cold outside…good thing we picked up a couple more rowers today. Thanks to Greg from C2 for helping us out, he also rocked the WOD today. For those who missed Saturday you got a longer WOD today, for those who hit both, way to kill it and push through two hard workouts. I promise tomorrow won’t be long, but that doesn’t mean any easier. Andre and Ryan started the On-ramp classes tonight and did a great job, you’ll be seeing them in the normal classes soon. Great work today everybody, see you tomorrow. Cheers.

Phil and Trevor rocking some air squats
The ladies rocking out some air squats
That’s a pretty full pull-up rig
Andre and Ryan starting their WOD on the rowers
– Jade